HOME advocates for migrant domestic workers at CEDAW

In May 2024, HOME attended the 88th session of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Geneva, Switzerland, alongside other prominent civil society groups from Singapore. 

The session marks Singapore’s sixth periodic review since its ratification of the CEDAW treaty. HOME actively participated in the process; the CEDAW treaty presents an on the international stage to advocate for better protection of migrant domestic workers, who still lack basic labour and social protections in Singapore.

Submission of Shadow Report 

HOME submitted a shadow report to the CEDAW Committee in April 2024, which you can read in full here

Our shadow report detailed the  gaps as regards the living and working conditions  of migrant domestic workers and relevant changes to the law since the previous periodic review in 2017. In particular, we evaluated and proposed recommendations in response to the following articles: 

  • Article 6: Trafficking

  • Article 7: Political and Public Life 

  • Article 11: Employment

  • Article 12: Health

Oral Presentation

Our Senior Manager of Advocacy and Research, Jaya Anil Kumar, attended the session in Geneva and delivered a two-minute presentation which summarised our key recommendations. Watch her presentation here: 

Recommendations by the Committee

After receiving inputs from both the State and  NGOs, the CEDAW Committee published their recommendations to the State on steps to be taken to address discrimination faced by women in Singapore. 

While it acknowledged that progress had been made in some areas, the Committee noted that limited progress was made in addressing the issues faced by marginalised and vulnerable groups, such as women with disabilities, Muslim women, LBTI women, older women, and migrant domestic workers (MDWs).  

In particular, issues around MDWs’ living and working conditions have featured in many of the CEDAW Committee’s observations and recommendations. We were encouraged by the recognition of the issues faced by MDWs at an international platform, given their status as a vulnerable and marginalised group in Singapore. 

You can view a summary of the MDW-related recommendations here. Alternatively, you can read the complete list of recommendations by the CEDAW Committee here.