Engaging the youth: Canadian International School's conference

30 April 2019

HOME spoke at the Canadian international School's ServICE conference.  The 16- and 17-year-old students were from both Singapore and the region.

Desiree, our legal consultant, discussed the structural and systemic inequalities that make migrant workers vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. She related the students’ existing understanding of migrant workers’ difficulties to the socioeconomic reality of labour migration and the legal framework in Singapore.

Luke, our Case Manager, highlighted striking examples of deception, contract substitution and exploitative wages.  These compelling stories, complete with primary documents, forcefully illustrate the reality of migrant workers’ experience in Singapore.

The delegates were especially interested to hear how HOME's casework focuses on recognising and reminding workers of their strengths, affirming our common humanity, and accompanying them as equals, who take charge of their own case and of seeking redress. We also shared suggestions on what students can do in their own capacity. Several students approached us afterwards to ask more.

We were much encouraged by the students' heartfelt response and thoughtful questions.  HOME is always glad to engage young people in dialogue on our work and the people we serve.  We regularly speak with students ranging from 9-year-olds to university level.  We firmly believe that our youths are the future of progress on migrant workers’ rights.