Who Am I?

The writer of this poem, Anna Rose, stayed in HOME shelter for some time after a bad experience with an employer that left her very upset. Anna Rose struggled with her identity, and what to do with her life going forward. She has now returned home to the Philippines. 


Who am I?


I am a child

Who will never stop believing

I am the dreamer

Who will never stop dreaming

I am the woman

Who will never stop caring


They see the finished adult

That they expect me to be

But I don’t know

Who I want to be?


So many pressures, do this

Don’t do that

Wear this, don’t wear that

Buy this, don’t buy that


Who to believe? Who to trust?

To help me be the person I want to be

Still not sure who that is

Who am I and what will I be?


Two different questions

But people expect one answer


Which career will I choose?

But really is that the most important?

What about good or bad,

Lazy or hardworking

It depends on the task if I like it or not


So the question is not, who am I?

But who will I become?


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