#Coming Together 2018: HOME-Aidha Sports Day

13 July 2018

Spirits soared and excitement filled the air at the inaugural Sports Day for domestic workers held on 8 July 2018! Organised by HOME and Aidha, the event was an opportunity for domestic workers and volunteers to engage in fun-filled activities such as futsal, captain’s ball and Zumba together as a community. Participants also took home exclusive door gifts from sponsors along with memories to last a lifetime.

A big and hearty thank you to Decathlon Singapore, DB Citizenship, Goldman Sachs, GuavaPass, Indian Women’s Association, Lush Singapore, Premier Skills-British Council, Race2Share, Sarius Performance International, SportCares, UWC South East Asia, Yello Business and Marketing Consulting, and TeamBato!

Thank you also to representatives from the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines and Embassy of The Republic of The Union of Myanmar who attended the event to show their support.

If you were there, we hope you had as much fun as we did: please relive the experience through these photos (click to see more) and share them with your friends!

Last but not least, thank you Deanna Bonaparte for the lovely set of photos!