HOME 2018: Our Year in Photos

11 December 2018

As we approach the end of this year, it’s a time to reflect on all that we have achieved together. 

2018 was a good year that brought many changes for HOME. We moved offices, welcomed new board members and staff and built new partnerships. 

We organised many community events and outings, including a Sports Day for domestic workers together with Aidha in July. Outreach was also strengthened among the Bangladeshi workers’ community. 

In 2018, we hired our very first Research and Advocacy Manager, a dedicated person to engage in evidence-based research and facilitate broader discussions on the systemic exploitation of migrant workers. We participated in policy processes through multiple submissions, including one on proposed amendments to the Penal Code.

We completed a project on the Employment Claims Tribunal that included booklets in various languages to assist migrant workers in navigating the complex system. We strengthened our regional engagement too, through partnerships with networks like Migrant Forum for Asia and local organisations in Philippines, Indonesia and Myanmar. 

Our case work and legal support programmes continue, strong as ever, supporting migrant workers from more nationalities and providing long term and holistic care. We have developed a committed pool of pro bono lawyers, supported by our in-house Legal Consultant who provides paralegal support and works closely with the case workers.

Our HOME Academy that provides skill building classes for domestic workers continues to flourish. In 2018, over 1,500 students graduated from a wide range of skill-building classes. We partnered with the Sri Lankan High Commission to set up English language classes and leadership programmes for Sri Lankan migrant workers. 

In 2019, we are excited to expand our outreach and have developed material in more languages, including Burmese, Bahasa, Tamil, Bangla and Hindi. We are bracing ourselves for the launch of our very first report on forced labour in the domestic work sector, in collaboration with Liberty Shared, Hong Kong. We are also planning for targeted consultations around recruitment practices that would engage migrant workers, employers, our community partners and the government. We also hope to include more Burmese workers in HOME Academy’s programmes. 

We hope you are as excited as we are about 2019, and we look towards the new year with lots of energy, enthusiasm and renewed hope. Happy New Year from all of us at HOME!