Sneak Preview: Our Homes, Our Stories

31 January 2018

Our Homes, Our Stories

We are excited to announce a new HOME MyVoice publication: Our Homes, Our Stories, which will be launched on March 11, International Women's Day. 

The book is an anthology of stories written by migrant domestic workers in Singapore. The real-life accounts cover their childhood years spent in small towns and villages to rogue agents and difficult employers in a foreign land, and the one thing they all suffer from most: homesickness and the pain of leaving their families behind in Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar and India.

The women write honestly about sacrifice, broken trust and their struggles. But there are also uplifting tales, of supportive employers, the love they have for the families they care for, and how they use their time in Singapore to realise their dreams for the future.

All the writers in Our Homes, Our Stories are part of the HOME community. They are volunteers at our Academy or Sunday help desk or residents at the HOME shelter. 

All proceeds of the book will go to supporting HOME.