
By Bhing Navato

This is our life as a migrant. You can stay or leave. There are no promises, but many surprises. Uncertainty, not being sure of the future. We just have to be ready for everything. Be mindful of every circumstance. This is us. The migrants.

Happiness that we want, will happen, but briefly. There is a limitation in everything. I keep trying to evaluate every situation, but it’s not us. Because our fate is in your hands. That is the reality. That’s how we are. The migrants.

When you look around, it’s all beautiful tall buildings. Houses are clean..sidewalks are litter free.Your children are well fed, sent to school, safely brought back home. Dinner is served.  You have nothing to worry, because we don’t want you to worry. We build relationships, we want a happy working environment. Not because we are migrants, but because we are human beings too.

I know, you can feel the love and respect we show you.We are happy if we see how you appreciate us. That stingy smile you will show means a lot to us; at least you smiled. Lines are drawn between us, we cannot mingle too much. It is okay, because we are migrants.

But uncertainty is constant to us. We have to accept that. We need to get used to it.Emotional feelings will not matter. It will change. We came here alone, we managed to survive, but still at the end, we are alone. That is our life. As a migrant.