My Life In A Foreign Land

By Rea Maac

It’s midnight and yet I’m still awake
It will be my last night in my own bed
We will not be together for 2 years
As I have a journey to seek.

I know in the days ahead
Everything will really change
Just hoping I can overcome
And always stay calm.

While my mind can’t rest, my eyes have given up
Until my alarm clock sounds so loud
Time to wake up and get ready
For my first flight to a foreign country.

I head to the airport with my family
I smile at them as if I’m fine
Just wave my hand as a sign of goodbye
Coz I don’t like to show them that I cry.

Inside the airplane I let it go
I cry as if there is no tomorrow
My family I will truly miss
Coz they are my life and my happiness.

After a few hours, the airplane lands
My heart is trembling like an earthquake
Honestly I am totally scared
“Oh God help me,” I pray.

My new life is about to begin
Not sure what will happen
A life so different from what it used to be
I have to accept it will never be easy.

Yes it’s tough from the very start
A big adjustment on my part
To be able to adopt their ways of living
Totally different in everything.

Every night, pain moves into my eyes
I don’t even know how I can survive
It’s so hard to set aside
The loneliness I feel inside.

I know I shouldn’t be in depression
Because it may destroy my ambition
Thinking of my family as inspiration
To be strong is a good decision.

As the days pass, I’m slowly getting used to it
Though sometimes sadness still comes
I just keep reminding myself to be strong
Soon I’ll go back to the place where I belong.

Being in a foreign land is a big risk
You will encounter a lot of hindrances
But don’t give up, keep moving instead
You must be a fighter if you want to succeed.

Never involve yourself in any trouble
Remember to be kind and humble
Respect all the people around you
So in return, they will respect you too.

And now it’s been 7 years
I’m fully adjusted and there’s no more fear
There are times sadness is still a trigger
But that is normal, it won’t last longer.

Let me give you some advice
Just always pray and do your best
God is watching, he will do the rest.