Friendship At HOME Shelter

Coming to the Home shelter can be a relief. All of the residents have different reasons for staying, some have run away from abuse, others from long working hours and lack of rest and sleep. Staying at the shelter can give the residents opportunities to learn new skills, to join the variety of activities going on, and even to make friends. Here is what some of the women say about their experiences and new friends at the Home shelter:

“When I came here all the worries in my mind are suddenly gone, because I don’t have a family here, and the people of HOME represent that. Accepting me and being willing to help me without any doubt, fulfilling my needs to face the struggles that I have. Sharing our experiences with one another, making me aware of what has happened to us. Listening to each other to give a solution to our situation and giving us peace of mind. Fighting for our rights together with us, making us better persons.”

“I made a lot of friends at the shelter. The women are all so nice to me, they share their food and talk to me. When I told them about what happened to me, they all listened. Everybody gave me advice. I enjoy all the activities at the shelter, and am so happy to have found a home that can protect me all the time.”

“At first when I came to the shelter I felt lonely because I didn’t know anyone. But slowly I got to know the other women and I felt happier. I have friends from different countries now, Myanmar and the Philippines. We can talk and share our experiences, and they make me feel better. I have a very good friend here, she always makes me smile and laugh and sometimes I can forget my problems.”

“I am happy to stay at the Home shelter. I am thankful to the sponsors and all the volunteers who give me more knowledge about how to answer for a job interview, how to manage my situation, and cope with my lower emotions. I also learned lots about cooking and baking and even how to approach people in a cheerful and happy manner. I feel like a stronger person and I need to be brave to face all the trials in my life. Thanks to all the sisters who listens to me at the Home shelter.”

“I came to the shelter because I want to stay in Singapore to work. I have a family and a daughter and I need to support them. But my employer wanted to send me home, and didn’t give me a chance to find a new employer. When I came to the shelter, I felt safe. I made a lot of friends who told me to stay strong, and now I manage to think about my family that needs support from me. I already found a new employer, and I face a new life with them. I am thankful that Home helped me to stay in Singapore and gave me the chance to work again.”


The one who accepts you for

Who you really are

Making you smile in times of sadness

Being there when you feel alone

Always making you proud of your success

Giving you confidence when you are down

Loving you without a doubt.”