A Worker In A Foreign Land

By Myrna Javier del Carmen


As a dry leaf that hesitantly flies, and is snatched by hurricane away,

thus live on earth Overseas Foreign Workers, armed with aim, love and country,

impaled by an invisible hand, they work from cities to shore,

their memories will keep them company, of loved ones, a happy day of yore.


Overseas Foreign Workers, that is what we are,

struggling to ease life’s turmoil

somehow we manage without fear,

back home, we know they care.


We are here in a strange land, where different cultures vary,

ignorant and overwhelmed by this first world country, we do our best to adapt and carry,

letters are our only happiness, bringing joy to our daily tasks,

smiling and reminiscing, even to our slumber, they help us to stay and bear much longer


Loneliness and painstaking memories are the plight of foreign workers like me,


some end up with bosses that are wicked and bad,

enduring all just so the family will have


Material things abound everywhere,  still we got to save for our love ones dear,

we resist succumbing to temptations, evil things just leads to doom and damnation.


Contributing to our country economy, we are the unsung heroes of our own right,

I proudly say: Go dear Overseas Foreign Workers, go

Don’t turn back your face, for in your grief the world simply mocks you


 Myrna Javier del Carmen, is 45 years old, and married.  She hails from Banate, Iloilo, Philippines. Myrna has been working as a domestic worker in Singapore for 18 years.

Image by Elena Kotliarker