Tears In My Eyes

By Rosita Sanchez


Tears In My Eyes

It started one day

When I fell in love with you

My days were filled with laughter and happiness

I was content and I felt complete


My life has changed because of you.

I am not the same girl as before.

My days, my time, changing so fast.

Even the sun and the moon are competing with each other.


But what happened one day?

Where are you? Why can’t I see you?

Is there something wrong my love?

Please tell me, I’m dying to be with you.


Days, months and even years have passed us by.

I feel a deep sadness and my tears keep flowing.

Have you forgotten me? Have you left me?


You just walk away like the wind.

What I feel will never be seen.


A gift from you makes me feel strong.

A life with you makes my life continue on.

It feels like yesterday that we were together.


I thank God for the son that we have.

I trust Him and surrender my questions because right now I am happy with our son.


Tears keep falling from my eyes, that one day you will wipe them off and make them dry.

Now the time has come and this little voice says to me, “Mama, stop crying, I’m here, I love you.”

This sweet voice makes my heart calm.


Where ever you are, where ever you go,

Thank you for the day that made me feel a woman. It made my dreams come true to be a mother and to have a son with the man I love so much.


I have these tears in my eyes but now the tears are flowing because of the happiness that our son gives me.