Sister, Brother, Love

During an English class at HOME shelter the residents were given the homework to write about their family, and specifically the relationship and the love between siblings. This resulted in some beautiful writing that we are happy to share with you today.

From Ana Barzo

To My Younger Sister.
I chose to write about her among our siblings because she is the one closest to me.
We are not only sisters, we are also best friends… even if in life we can’t avoid some arguments, has we had mostly when we were teenagers.
We have never competed, but she always thought I was mum’s favourite!
We are very different, in our way of thinking as well as in our physical appearance, but i really love her so much!
Even if I am older she is more mature than me.
She is a very talented person; she accomplished her studies in BS Agriculture and she is now working as supervisor in an agriculture company.
I admire her because even if I am far away she always remembers me and recalls special, funny moments of our life, as we had a shower or played together, to make me smile. I am so thankful and blessed to have a sister like her, because mostly now, being stocked without working, she takes care of all the responsibilities instead of me, gives financial support to my two kids and most of all she gives them her affection!
I love you so much sister, you are in my heart now and forever… I miss you so much

From Myra Pedronan

I have a very good relationship both with my sister and my brother.
I am the second child, very close to my sister and I am her big fan. I like all about her, except the way she handles her temper, but we are best friends.
When I was still young though we had a good relationship we weren’t so close as today. Now our bond is very strong.
When i came to Singapore, she was already here, and every time we buy dresses which are the kind of clothing we both are obsessed with, we buy the same shoes/sandals and we wear them the same day and everyone asks if we are twins!
She is a very caring, loving, approchable and responsible sister and daughter.
She gives more than what she takes, she is very hardworking and she is always thinking how to payback the sacrifice my parents made for her, for us.
She supports me whatever decision I make, so I can tell her even my secrets and so can she. I love her with all my heart, together with my brother!

From May Joy

“A woman without a sister is like a bird without wings”
When we were young my second sister was my worst enemy: she was convinced that my parents loved me more than her.
But the we grew up that feeling of rivalry turned into the strongest relationship ever.
Now she is always there to help me and I can rely on her either financially or emotionally.
Although my mother in law is taking car of my son, my sister always finds time to visit him and provide to his needs.It is particularly important now that I am away to work to know that she is there showing her love to him!
When I was pregnant she provided me with all my needs, including babies clothes, shampoo, cream even cotton puds when I was in the hospital!
That’s why I can say that having a sister in your life is like having a very best friend. Because a sister will always be there you, always stand by you no matter what will happen!

From Roda S. Misasa

Out of my eight siblings there are especially two I am very attached to. Tough we all has a very good relationship I feel so thankful for having Myra and Leah as sisters.
actually they are not really my own sisters, they are my 1st cousins, but we grew up together, we shared the same house, we shared the same room, the same bed…
My parents took care of them since they were babies, because both their parents passed away.
Myla and Leah are more than sisters, they are my best friends, my biggest supporters and defenders. I can tell them everything and they are always there for me especially when I am down they know how to cheer me up giving me good advices, courage and strength. I am the oldest but they are more mature than me. They changed my life, I can say that they both are the answers to my prayers… I have always asked my parents for a sister, but no… all boys… Until one day Mayla and Leah came into our home, my life!