Who Is She?

She is the first person to wake up in this house

She prepares your breakfast and packs foods for you to bring

She assist your kids to be ready for school

Who is she?

The maid you call her.


She tidies up your crumpled bed so you may rest your tired body

She cleans up your house so you may have a peaceful mind

She takes care of your kids while you are at work so you may not worry

Who is she?

The maid you call her.


She cooks food so you may have a sumptuous dinner as you always say

She feeds your kids so they may stay healthy

She secure doors and windows each night for your safety

Who is she?

The maid you call her.


Her worth is less than a thousand each month

Her freedom two days each month

Two days with curfew hours each month

She is the maid.

That is what she deserves.

Too much isn’t it?

