It's A Merry Christmas After All

By Jo Ann Dumlao

And we’ve got all the feels!
Are you ready?

I just so love all the multi-colored or white, twinkling or steady lights that illuminate the streets, buildings, even trees everywhere. They look so beautiful at night! Christmas trees standing everywhere, decorated gorgeously with wrapped gifts underneath for everyone.

Yes it’s Christmas time again, and I feel a cool breeze of air touching my skin. It is the grandest festival of the year for many people, the most awaited one – especially for the kids. It is when family, loved ones, gather all together. A festive reunion for everyone. Time to spread love and peace, forgive and forget.

Smiling faces, happy looks, lively laughter, everybody is delighted this festive season. The Christmas crazy train – list making, shopping, eating, gift-wrapping and back to list making again, everybody is on this train!

How about you? And me? Me, I am away from my loved ones, from my mom, my siblings most especially my children.  I should be smiling too, but I can’t fight back the tears. It’s not my first time to be away from them in this festive season. But still a part of my heart is aching.

Especially this year, as this December my strength is being tested again. I have to find a new family to work with. After 6 plus long years with my current boss, I have to move and run from one agency to another, signing up biodata and having interviews. It’s very stressful, one day – one interview. Why did this have to happen in this festive season?

In spite of this situation, my faith, my positive thoughts, my strong will and determination always stand by me. The good Lord didn’t leave me alone, He didn’t let me go wandering in this time of the year. I finally found one family (after 17 days of searching) and I will be joining them next January. I hope and pray that everything will go well with them.

Let the spirit of Christmas reign in our hearts. It is true that Christmas is never the same for us, without our loved ones but as Migrant Domestic Workers, we can’t do it any other way. We have no choice, we don’t own our time.

This Christmas I will for sure miss my siblings, my mom, and most especially my children, but I am determined to enjoy this festive season with friends and relatives here in Singapore. Christmas parties and picnics are everywhere – it’s unending. We will exchange gifts, share foods that delights our hearts.

Always thankful for how good God is, my Christmas will still be a Merry one. Having found a new work place is already a precious gift to me. As a migrant domestic worker, I have had a lot of struggles but more beautiful things have covered those.

For me, the most important thing in celebrating Christmas is not missing the midnight Christmas mass. Let’s simply enjoy this festive season, may our hearts be filled with love and gratitude.

Have a great and blessed Holiday season to one and all!