Cinderella's Reality

Thirty minutes past six

Phone starts ringing

Six times six times six

Cinderella is late

The monster red dot father is in rage


She was treated like a real princess

At the castle beside the bay

True smile surfaces on her face

Happiness she longs to embrace

Appreciation she wishes

Dignified and a real bless


Thirty minutes past six

Slowly monster shedding her flesh

Cutting her sanity bit by bit

Stepping her dignity to pieces

Rude words suffocate her breath

Now she is drowned in tears

The monster with a mouth like a sword slashed her with words


Thirty minutes past six

Doors open, door shut

No one can save her in that shack

Corners hear her cry

Rooms fill her anguish

Home she calls imprisoned her freedom

Family she says cuffs her equality

Thirty minutes past six Cinderella faces reality

She is nothing but a maid.

