HOME Sister Guides Art

The National Gallery Singapore is celebrating its 5 year anniversary. And in connection to this event, the Gallery invited people of all ages and all walks of life to share their interpretation of a chosen artwork from across the gallery, to be added to the artwork as a label.

These artwork labels could be in form of writing or drawing, discussing what the artwork means to you, how it connects to you. The artwork labels will be printed and be hung on the exhibit walls next to the artwork chosen. And the name of the contributor and some information to know more about him/ her will be included for everyone to see! 

Of course the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME) Sisters Guides didn’t miss this opportunity. A list of artworks was given to them from which they could choose to create an artwork label for it.

Novia Arluma chose the ‘Land and Farmer are Free when United’ artwork by Tanah and Petani Merdeka / Menghidupi Semlia, the artists (Indonesia). She wrote a poem as her artwork label.

Novia is from Indonesia herself and has been a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW) in Singapore for 14 years. She counsels fellow MDWs who face problems and runs Pena Novia, a blog in Bahasa. Her blog focuses on MDWs issues, rights and protection. As a Gallery Sister Guide, Novia leads fellow domestic workers in Southeast Asian art tours.

“ I feel honoured to be a part of this wonderful project. It’s another experience,” Novia said.

Bhing Navato chose ‘Defend Thy Honor’ an artwork by artist Fernando Amorsolo. (Philippines).  She also wrote a poem as her artwork label.

Bhing is from the Philippines and has been a domestic worker in Singapore for 25 years. She volunteers with HOME and writes prose and poetry. As a Gallery Sister Guide, Bhing leads fellow MDWs in Southeast Asian tours.

And Bhing said, with all smiles, “ It was such an amazing honor for me to be given the opportunity to have my own artwork label to be placed beside one of the most important artists in the Philippine history.”

Jo Ann Dumlao chose ‘Portrait of a Man in Barong Tagalog’, an artwork by artist Severino Flavier Pablo. A sketch of her son wearing Barong Tagalog is her artwork label, together with some descriptions about the Barong Tagalog.

Jo Ann is from the Philippines and has been a domestic worker in Singapore for over 13 years. She contributed to Our Homes, Our Stories, an anthology of personal stories of migrant domestic workers. As a Gallery Sister Guide, Jo Ann leads fellow MDWs in Southeast Asian tours.

“I am in high spirits, feeling great elation! Who would think that an MDW in Singapore be given the chance like this, to create an artwork label for the National Gallery Singapore. I am speechless, really on cloud nine! Thank you, NGS,” Jo Ann enthusiastically said.

We don’t get this chance often, so, when an opportunity knocks, let’s embrace it.

HOME Sister Guides are thankful to NGS in opening a window for them, in experiencing how to be a docent and enjoying the magic of artworks.

Let the magic of Art Embrace You! If you too want to experience the magic of art, do let us know and we’ll bring you to the Gallery. And it’s Free!

*Article written by Jo Ann herself a participant and one of the HOME Sisters Guide *