Celebration Time for HOME

It’s celebration time! This December HOME celebrated both International Migrants Day and their 15th year Anniversary. Every year, HOME celebrates these 2 remarkable events, which are important to us, and give us the opportunity to show  unity and oneness instilled in us Migrant Workers.

And this day was special in another way: the new Executive Director of HOME was introduced. The entire HOME team was there to wholeheartedly welcome Ms Catherine James.

We were  thankful that our very own “ Sister Big B” made it to the celebrations.  Sister Bridget Tan, the founder of HOME, had a stroke in February 2015 and has been unable to walk since, but is still the jolly one in spite of her condition and she always joins us in these celebrations. Her presence helped make the celebration such a wonderful event. Everyone was beaming with happy faces to see her, listening to her inspirational message and singing with her. We love you, sister Bridget!

All the HOME Family leaders made a speech that linked to the Migrant Workers situation and well-being. I myself represent the My Voice group.

• HOME Roses—Re- Integrate with Innovation by Zoe Menez

• HOME Nightingale—Depression is a Silent Killer by Marina

• HOME Academy—Don’t Stop Learning by Cristina

• HOME Helpdesk Lucky Plaza—Domestic Workers Right by Bhing

• HOME Suara Kita—Decent Work by Novia

• HOME Kartini—Overworked and Underpaid by Yanti

• HOME My Voice—Employer Employee Relationship by yours truly, Jo Ann

• HOME Myanmar Helpdesk—Effective Communication by Khin Lay

I can say, all were very well delivered campaigns!

As the celebrations continue, we make a toast to HOME’s Anniversary: wishing for more years to celebrate abundantly. May HOME prosper and continue to be the shelter of the abused, the defender of the hopeless and giver of strength of the less fortunate migrant workers.

Singing and dancing followed to keep the celebrations exciting and lively, and gift packs were distributed to the migrant workers. Amazing prizes for the lucky draw winners and the best-dressed from the migrant workers were handed out also. Each one of the winners received a prize. Today, abundant prizes and gift packs were given away – every migrant workers was a winner today! It was a fun filled, enjoyable day of celebrations with lots of splendid prizes and splendorous lunch. HOME staff, HOME Family leaders and volunteers were all amazing. Once again, they proved that the spirit of team work sprinkled with love is within them. So much dedication.

Written by Jo Ann Dumlao